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Du, lass dich nicht verhaerten in dieser harten Zeit- Du, lass dich nicht verbittern in dieser bitteren Zeit (Wolf Bierman) Che pretesa essere amati da adulti se non ti hanno mai amato da bambino (A Busi) Hvad man ikke har haft som barn, faar man aldrig nok siden af (Tove Ditlevsen) To live without hope, to work without love (Virginia Woolf)

Monday, March 28, 2005

on yielding

when we regret having to give up something which we thought worth pursuing, we often forget that in fact this is the best way to find our true self, or rather that innermost and most authentic part of our being, that which we were so ready to betray in our pursuit of what was simply a mirage, a mirror before which we loved to preen ourselves.


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