insegnaci ad amare la nostra pazzia

Du, lass dich nicht verhaerten in dieser harten Zeit- Du, lass dich nicht verbittern in dieser bitteren Zeit (Wolf Bierman) Che pretesa essere amati da adulti se non ti hanno mai amato da bambino (A Busi) Hvad man ikke har haft som barn, faar man aldrig nok siden af (Tove Ditlevsen) To live without hope, to work without love (Virginia Woolf)

Friday, April 29, 2005

It's a hard life (1)

It's a hard life (1)
Originally uploaded by totentanz.

Well, if you don't have cats, miss Brodie thinks that you really should get out and get one (or two, if possible).

There are a lot of cats waiting to be adopted in cat refuges anywhere, miss b is sure there's one near you. They just ask for a little food and a lot of love and in return they give you "the peace that surpasseth all understanding..."


At April 29, 2005 2:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have 3 cats and my youngest, Leo, is all red even his nose. I went to buy catfood and alittle boy was holding a kitten. I said are you taking him home and he said no here you wanna hold him? I looked down at this little red bundle in my hand and that was it - cat# 3.

There are so many animals in need and what you get back in return is so much more then you give it's amazing. So, go adopt!

At April 30, 2005 11:26 am, Blogger miss brodie said...

spread the word !

At April 30, 2005 1:07 pm, Blogger liseuse said...

Ne ho fatti adottare ben due dalla mamma, ormai due anni fa. Erano piccoletti, schifosetti, orfani, pieni di pulci all'inverosimile, asmatici, puzzoni per via della loro "culla" nel capannone di un ristorante di pesce sulla laguna.
Ora godono di salute e prosperità!
E confesso che non posso sopportare quelli che te la menano con i loro gatti di ultramegarazza per cui hanno speso l'ira del dio dei gatti europei!


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